Before I trusted Yeshua as my Messiah and Savior, I was spiritually dead. I wanted life, but I wanted to be in control - to be the "lord of the ring" and find satisfaction my own way. So I sought "life" through romance, through drugs and food, through desire for power and recognition. Above all I wanted to feel alive and significant - to escape the nagging thought that my life was a nothing but a "useless passion." In the end my self-styled search for life ended in despair and vanity.
The Lord created us with a built-in need to be loved unconditionally, but we seem hell-bent on "playing god." We try to get our heart needs met through all sorts of false loves, false promises, and idols. We "hew broken cisterns that can hold no water" and forsake the Fountain of Living Waters (see Jer. 2:13).